Have You Filled A Bucket Today? Plus a FREEBIE

We are working really hard at being a filler and a dipper at school this week!  Perfect time of year to go over   being nice to everyone at school!  If you have no idea about fillers and dipper then you MUST read this book!
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

I wanted to review being a filler and not a dipper so I had my kiddos make their own bucket!  We traced the sentence with a MARKER!  YES a marker!  *Insert loud screaming and cheering!

We decorated our buckets!
I am all about letting my kiddos create their own projects!  I rarely pre-cut out things for them!  I will make a tracer and have them do their own tracing and cutting!  I think it makes it more personable than if I just cut out every thing and they just glue it!
We glued our hearts and stars to "fill" our buckets with love! :)
Of course had to add some sparkle!
Then, hung them up for everyone to see!!

Yay!  You made it this far so here is ANOTHER freebie!  Did I fill your bucket?  Enjoy!

Only a few hours left to WIN!


  1. You filled my bucket! And I could not agree more- I don't understand when teachers do all of the cutting for the students just so it looks nice. It's our job to TEACH them how to use their fine-motor skills, etc. You rock!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  2. These are so cute! Thanks for the freebie!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  3. I love Bucket filling. Thanks for following our blog and leaving a comment. We are that you stopped by because now we can follow you! :)

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  4. These are cute!! We do bucket slips for kiddos being bucket fillers at our school! I really like this! I think my class could use a reminder too! Haha! (I'm your newest follower now too!)

    Kinder Krazy

    1. Thanks! I have seen bucket filler slips! I might need to try that too! Thanks for following!

  5. Thanks for another fab freebie. I love this! Thanks! :)

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

  6. Your buckets are great. Looks like you've got lots of kindness going on in your room.

    Granny Goes To School

  7. I agree 100% about letting the kiddos cut out their projects. I would much rather see something that looks like a kid made it!!!!

    Thanks for the freebie too!!

    Closing the Gap... in a Cute Outfit!

  8. Okay, so we read this book as well, and overall it's been wonderful! But I had to laugh today when one of my kiddos took a block from a boy, and that boy said "You just emptied my... my... you just emptied my thingy!"

    And the girl that took the block says very helpfully, "Do you mean I emptied your bucket?"

    And so he says, "Yeah, my bucket just went drip drip drip all onto the floor!"

    Ah, kids are priceless. :) Happy almost Valentine's Day!

    Fun in PreK-1

    1. Omg! haha! That is so cute and so funny! Same to you! Hope your day is great tomorrow! :)
