Going on a Blog Hunt!

I am linking up with Laura, from Corkbaord Connections, for a blog hunt linky!  You already know that Google Reader said goodbye yesterday and if you haven't switched over to Bloglovin' you need to! Follow my blog and many others so you won't miss out on activities, games, and projects we are blogging about in the classroom!  Check out the linky to find new blogs to follow on Bloglovin'!

Today is the final day for my Bloglovin' giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Bummer that it is closed! I was going to link up tomorrow :(
    Polka Dot Kinders

  2. I linked up this afternoon with only like 56 entries posted and never got accepted? It even said it would go until 100...oh well!! :)
