The Polar Vortex

I apologize for not blogging!  Honestly, since the last time I blogged we have been in school 2 days.  Yes, TWO!  Thanks to that "Polar Vortex"!  We had a "Cold Day" last week Thursday plus today and tomorrow too!  We are playing major catch up, but were informed today that two days we had off for teacher days are now school days for everyone.
One of those "make up days" is actually Valentine's Day!  Instead of having our party a day early we will have it on Valentine's Day!  I am not too upset since that will be a fun day!  If you are planning ahead (said no teacher ever) for Valentine's Day I have created a fun freebie.  It is a Write the Room activity which will get your kids up and moving if they have been stuck indoors like my little ones!
Click on any picture to go to check it out!

If you are looking for some more Valentine's Day activities, check out these products from my store!
Click on the picture!

This has some Valentine's Day activities plus other fun February themes!

1 comment

  1. Good Afternoon Kimberley,
    Thank you for the adorable V-Day write-the-room freebie! My students are going to really enjoy this activity! It will also help my Pre-Kers with their handwriting and formation of letters! Thanks a bunch!
    I is for Inspire
