Currently March!!

Whoo!  It is MARCH!  I am linking up with Farley for her month Currently linky!  Go check out her new blog design...ADORABLE! :)
Listening: Never watched it before, but it is kind of interesting.  I wish I could remodel old, gross houses like they do!
Loving: MARCH!  I might be biased, but March is the best month! :)  First, it is my BIRTHDAY month! Second, the weather SHOULD be getting warmer!
Thinking: Achoo!  I hope I can kick this baby cold before it turns into something more!
Wanting: This whole post is going to be about weather because it is March and the temp is currently -3 and "feels like" -20!  Yes, it is March and it feels like December.
Needing: Remember it feels like -20...
???????-I almost put those question marks in that section because I had no idea what to put there:)  Time to guess!


  1. I had a hard time with the ??? as well! :) I'll take a guess... is the question what your favorite things are? Happy almost birthday and I hope you feel better soon!

    Fun in PreK-1 & Kinder

  2. I have warmer weather on the brain, too! Is your question, What are three things you love? I hope you don't catch that cold!
    Stories by Storie

  3. I hope you feel better soon! I just got over a cold that my students gave to me for Valentine's I am guessing that your question is: "What are favorite things?"

    Kindergarten To The Core

    1. I think colds are the worst in the beginning! You got it right!

  4. The question has to be "What are my favorite things?" I wish I could send warm weather your way. I really feel so bad that its sunny and 75+ over here with cool breezes. . .

    Elementary Expedition

    1. I wish you could send some warmer weather here too! I woke up to -16 as the actual temp outside...brr!

  5. I am going to go what are your favorite things too. I also am longing for warmer weather and no more snow! We got another three inches last night and are suppose to not get out of the teens a few times this week :(
    Fun in ECSE

    1. You are right! Ugh! Snow and cold can stop any day now!

  6. Haha! I ended up with !!!!! in the question mark spot because I couldn't come up with something for it. Good to know others had a hard time with it too!

    1. Haha! It was so hard, so I went with something easy lol!
