My Itty, Bitty, Teeny, Tiny...Classroom

Ok, I am being over dramatic!  My classroom is like half the size of my classroom last year.  My room is technically one BIG room split in half by some cabinets.  I have to remind my kiddos we share our room, so the other kids might hear us if we get too loud.  LUCKILY, my kiddos are great at reminding each other we have another class next to us.

Here are some pics of my cute little room!
Still OBSESSED with my cute little rug :)
Shape wall and math manipulative shelf!
Calendar area
And finally the word wall and color wall!
 *Non-room picture*  We did this for morning work! This is from my Kindergarten at Last pack!  It is amazing the differences!  The kiddos who went to Pre-K and the ones who didn't!

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