Pattern Strips~FREEBIE

I love Target!  I could go there every day and find something new every time I go!  If you missed my Instagram post, EVERYTHING in the Dollar Spot was 70% off!  I went a little Dollar Spot crazy.  I picked up some colored foam shapes with our next math unit in mind.  We just started our pattern unit today, so I made a fun pattern center for our math workshop.
You can cut the pattern strips apart or leave them on one sheet.  If you don't have these foam pieces, you can still laminate and have your kiddos draw what comes next!
I cut mine apart, so my kiddos could pick and choose their patterns.
I'll admit some of them were a little tricky for my kiddos, but there were patterns that every kiddo could do.  

Click HERE to grab your pattern strips!


  1. Thank you!!! I went crazy there over the weekend too. I got a bunch of those blocks. :)

    1. I might of went to two Targets just to "see" what they had and then bought some stuff ;) lol!

  2. Thanks for the freebie! I bought a bunch of these too!
    Fun in ECSE
