Currently November

October flew by!  I love this time of year because the holiday season is coming and I LOVE the holidays! :)
I'm linking up with Farley for Currently!

Listening-Some show about some baseball player or something :)  Not paying attention
Loving-  Have you heard of the The Skimm?  It is my daily lunch read!  They "Skimm" the news for you and send you a quick read about random headlines.  Check it out!
Thinking-My "2 Year Blogiversary" was end of October and I am thinking a giveaway is needed!  Stay tuned...
Wanting- I don't think I am ready for winter!  I need a few more summer weather days...please:)
Needing-Nothing :)
Reading- Nothing currently, but I just finished Gone Girl and OMG go read it!  It was great!


  1. I LOVED Gone Girl! It was so twisted but in a great way!! I want to see the movie and see if it is true to the book
    (Ps. I found your blog on Farley's Currently link up)

  2. The Skimm sounds very interesting I am going to have to check that out. Have a great week!

    Luv My Kinders

  3. Congratulations on your "2 year Blogiversary". :) Gonna check "Gone Girl", it seems that a lot have been reading or done reading it.

    Have an awesome month ahead!

    ♥ ♥ rachel ♥ ♥

  4. I heard that Gone Girl is a great read and I need to check out The Skimm! Love you! So great to see you tonight! xoxoox
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  5. I love your blog design!! ;) I have the exact same one! :)
    Teaching with Smiles
