
Wow January FLEW by!
I am linking up with Farley for her Currently linky!
Listening- There is always a marathon going on!  However, the hubby has taken over and is watching some Super Bowl pre game...still sad the Packers aren't in it!
Loving-I was so sick last week and I am finally feeling better! 
Thinking-I'm headed to Atlanta this month for ED Expo 2015 with a bunch of other amazing bloggers!  
We will be walking through exhibitor floor checking out some great educational resources!
Wanting:  I NEED some new workout shoes!  I always get mine from the Under Armour Outlet, but think I need some nicer ones!
Needing- I'm just going to keep talking about needing to clean instead of actually doing it lol!
Pageant Title- We live right next to a Target (a field separates us), so I am there all the time.  If you can't find it at Target, you do NOT need it ;)


  1. Great blog! And awesome pageant title... you go into target for a pack of gum and $200 it's about time to leave.

  2. Ha Kimberly - great meme. I love Target too!
    Teaching and Much Moore

  3. I would be in serious trouble if I lived that close to a Target. I use to pass one everyday on the way home with my old job. That was a dangerous time! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Being sick is NO FUN!
