Five for Fri..Sat...SUNDAY!

I tried really hard to post this sooner, but the weekend got in the way ;)

We are learning about 3D shapes in math.  We did a fun 3D shape sort!
I got all these fun pencils from EdExpo!  Check out my post about the Top Ten Products we found!

I changed up my Word Work center!  These are from my Word Work: CVC pack!

We are all about testing this week coming up, so I threw in a few Seuss activities Friday!

This was my impromptu lesson on voting.  We upgraded our GoNoodle character and I decided to make it more fun!  Everyone voted and we declared a winner!
I just added my Word Work: Digraphs to my store!  

1 comment

  1. Our class loves GoNoodle! We have had so many indoor recesses lately and we've been going crazy checking out all of their new Indoor Recess options.

    We are going to do some Seuss activities this week as well! We've already gotten a head start with a Horton Hears a Who glyph on Friday. They turned out adorable!
