Bouncy Bands

I was sent a couple Bouncy Bands to use in my classroom.  These bands can be placed on desks or chairs.  They are great for those kiddos who have extra wiggles while they work.  It allows those kiddos to move while working without bothering those around them.
Each band comes with two connectors that will slide onto your chair or desks.
Setting up is a breeze. Simply place the band over each of the plastic support pipes.
When you're ready, simply stretch the band to put the pipes on the end of the chairs.
I used mine during our center time.  I put on on a chair by our Word Work center and one by our Computer center.  My kiddos loved them!  They were able to work quietly and still get movement in while they worked.
Bouncy Bands are even on Donor Choose!  If you start a campaign, you will get a $50 donation when you submit your first request for classroom supplies (Bouncy Bands included)!


  1. Kimberly Hi I was wondering if you can help guide me on what to do to get products to use in your classroom and for giveaways. Is there a certain process and is it called something , so maybe I can look it up , I won on a blog years ago and then I always wondered how they did it to use the products and I saw somewhere to contact places but then I couldnt find it again. thanks for your help. Also your blog is so cute !! I love it !!
