Parent Gift Idea~Hand Print Christmas Trees

I can't be the only one who waits until the last minute to do parent gifts.  I wanted to share an idea that I did.  You can do this now or like me wait until the week before break to start on your gifts.
I am a sucker for hand print anything!  I know-the mess!  BUT if you have clear directions it isn't so bad!
I would call each kiddo up during their normal reading centers!  If you don't want to skip a day of guided reading, then have your kiddos work on a holiday card or do it during a work time.
Paint their hands green and press it on the paper.  I took a piece of poster board and cut it into squares.

Here is an example of the ways you can create this hand print tree.  You can have their hands up, down, together, or open!  Either way they turn out adorable!

Once all the hand prints dry, you can have your kiddos decorate.  I tried two different ways.  Lights and ornaments.  The ornaments are probably the easiest since they don't need a marker to draw the lines.

After the tree is decorated (don't forget the stump!), I cut around the tree!  You can laminate the tree for extra sturdiness or leave as is.  I taped a piece of ribbon on the back and wrote 2018 on the back as well!

These cute little trees can be hung on their trees at home or just a keepsake to remember how tiny those hands were!

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