Stomping into a New Year

Happy New Year!  I know some of you are already back and some of you will be back soon! 
I wanted to jump on here to show you a fun little dinosaur freebie for you to use on your first days back!
I have included 4 fun worksheets!
I have a coloring sheet

I also have a number writing sheet.  Your kiddos trace the first and last numbers and fill in the missing ones.

I have an alphabet trace and write!

Finally, I have a sentence builder sheet!

If you want to grab this, click HERE!


  1. I can never download your freebies! My google drive will not let me download. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to get the nice freebies?

    1. Hi Brenda! I haven't had that happen before, but if you could email me that would be great! I can send you the pack that way :)

  2. Thank you! My e-mail is There are so many cute freebies you offer and I cannot get them to download. Thank you!

