Tell Me Something Good

I am linking up with Rowdy in First Grade for her "Tell Me Something Good" linky party!

Something Good from School:
My low little kiddos are finally reading and writing!!  We try to do writing every other day and our wonderful journals can be found in Mrs. Leeby's Winter Wonderful Pack!

Something Good from Home:
I guess this isn't my home BUT my sister who just graduated college in December got a JOB!!  I am so excited for her because it is so hard to find a real job out of college especially when you are a newbie and don't have a ton of experience!!  Go girl! :)

Don't forget to link up and "Tell Me Something Good!"


  1. Aw! Thanks for the shout out, girl! We must have really been in sync today!
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  2. Thanks for coming by to visit! I see you have good things to share too! Lovin' the warm fuzzies of this linky. :) I am your newest follower!
    The Lightbulb Lab

  3. Congrats to your sister! I remember the crazy job application process and all the stress it involved, so I am sure she is very happy right now.

    How exciting that your kids are reading and writing! I love seeing how students progress throughout the year!

    Compassionate Teacher

  4. I can't wait to read more of your blog. I'm your newest follower. I love watching the lightbulb come on when kids "get it". Great Job!

    Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  5. Congrats on such achievement! It is such a great feeling ;)
    Wow , I am insipired to be part of this linky.

    Thanks a bunch and happy teaching
