Winter Themed Beginning Sound Match

I never posted this before break, but I figured with winter break coming to an end it would be a perfect review for your kiddos when they return back to school!  I extended the activity by having my kiddos sound spell the words first.  They had such a fun time doing this and were so proud to show me their work.  I realized I never took a picture of the final product, but you get the idea! :)  You can find this and tons of other winter themed activities in my Let It Snow! Activity Pack


  1. What a cute activity! You come up with the best ideas. :) Have a good weekend!

    Fun in PreK-1

    1. Aww you are so sweet! Thanks! Hope you are having a fabulous weekend too!:-)

  2. Kimberly,
    Just want to congratulate you on your 100 Followers benchmark. I have featured you and your blog on my January "Triple Treat Day" post.

    I also linked to your give away and TpT store.
    Best wished and once again, thanks for including me in your give away.

    Granny Goes to School

    1. Thanks so much!! I'm so thankful to have blog friends like you!:-)
