First, have you heard about this fabulous giveaway!?
So many great prizes! Don't forget to enter!
Second, I hit 200 followers on my TpT store! I feel like I was at 199 for weeks! Probably not, but it felt that way! I am having a fun little giveaway on my Facebook page! Go check it out! I am not good with my Facebook page, as in I don't know what to post about sooo I post freebies, giveaways, and do random giveaways for all my followers! If you don't follow, what are you waiting for?
Third, have you heard of Educents? I hadn't either until I saw it on my fellow bloggers blog! It is a site with daily teacher related deals! When you sign up you get a $15 gift card to use when they launch in April. I signed up and I now have $15 to spend! Check it out if you haven't yet! :)
Last but not least, I am having a sale! Everything in my TpT store is on sale! Fill up those cards people!! Click here to go shopping!
Love it! You go girl! Congrats!
Learning With Mrs. Leeby