Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL!?

The Super Bowl is here and we had LOTS of football fun on Friday.
I found this fun ABC order activity here!  I started with a few words and then we kept adding them.  My kiddos liked the suspense of finding out what the next word would be!  After we put all the words in order, I had everyone record them on the recording sheet.
I gave each kiddo a piece of paper to write a B or S- B=Broncos and S=Seahawks (just in case you were wondering).  They made their prediction and we completed this sheet.  Thanks Lucky to be in First!
When this little one finished she came up to me and goes "I made a G for the Green Bay!"  She is my newest student, like 3 days did she know my favorite team was "the Green Bay"?!  Love it! 

 Everyone got a chance to design their own jersey too!  When they were done they glued it to their graphing paper and we added some GLITTER!
My whole class predicted the Seahawks would win and this one being the big football fan that he is decided to make his a Wilson jersey!

Did you do anything football related with your class!?


  1. great ideas! :)


  2. Super cute! We did NOTHING for this game. Looks like your students will be correct, though!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  3. Yay! So glad you could use the graph! I think my kiddos may have made the correct prediction too - eeeek! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Lucky to Be in First
