We LOVE School!

Wow!  January seemed like an extended winter break.  We are trying SO hard to get back into our routines.  However, with 4 new students starting in the last week, things have been crazy!  I also have "adopted" my 4th student...aka they were in a different room, but due to behaviors was transferred to my room.  All these changes are hard on my original kiddos.  With that being said we have re-visited our expectations and have been going overboard on feelings and how we treat others.  Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so it gives us an excuse to overuse hearts!
Today, we focused on why we love school.  Sometimes we just need a little reminder on why school is so great! :)
Please pretend this is the best tree you have ever seen ;)
Everyone got a heart and wrote why they love school.  There was a great variety!  From friends to recess (of course), it was great to see what is important to each kiddos.  
I glued our hearts to our tree. 
Ta Da!! The finished product!  Some kiddos didn't see this until specials and were yelling "Our hearts!  Our hearts!"-too cute!
We will be talking about filling buckets the rest of the week!  
Fingers crossed they give me a few weeks before they add anymore kiddos to my room ...ha!