November Currently

I'm linked up!

My Currently Details
Whenever there isn't anything on tv I always find myself watching those over dramatic and crazy Lifetime movies!  Why are they so addicting and sometimes so bad!
I don't know about you but I LOVE Christmas, almost as much as I LOVE teaching kindergarten!  The music, decorations, and lots of family time is my all time favorite thing!!
I have only done Black Friday shopping for a few years but I just am obsessed with waking up early (or staying up super late) to see all the other crazy shopping lovers fight through lines to get their $10 blender.  Maybe I go just for all the people watching.
All our internet stuff is sitting in the box ready to be used but can't because the Internet man needs to install it!  And of course their hours are only 9-5...
My kiddos love when I play the Disney Pandora during work time!  Who doesn't love a little Disney in their lives!
Don't forget to check out my great Give Thanks: Thanksgiving Mini Pack!



  1. I also play the Disney Pandora station in my class!! My kids LOVE it, too!! :) I found you from the November Currently link up!! I'm so glad I did!!

    A Day in First Grade

  2. I found you on the November Currently :) I LOVE Christmas!!! It's absolutely the best holiday!!! My team will do Christmas Around the World rotations the last week before we get out for the break. It always goes great! I'm glad that you posted about Target :) They were working on putting out some stuff last weekend when I went. We try to only go once or twice a month because it's almost an addiction :)

    Like your blog! Hope you will check me out :)

    1. Christmas Around the World sounds so interesting! Target would totally be my addiction! Thanks for stopping!

  3. You have the cutest blog ever!!! I love it! I do not know what Disney on Pandora is, I will have to check into that. I found you through the currently, and I have became your new follower!
    Crazy About First Grade

  4. Thank you!! Go to and search Disney and it will play all songs from Disney movies! It is great! Thanks for following!! I'm headed to your blog now! :)

  5. OMG! I hear ya on the boots! I need some new winter boots!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  6. I really appreciated reading that someone else is looking forward to Black Friday! It's on my brain! My mom and I go shopping together, with hot chocolate and the store ads, and it's a fun little tradition.

    1. I have the same tradition with my mom and sister!! Thanks for following!! :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by to visit me! I am now following you too :) My kids at school love Disney Pandora also!


  8. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I am your newest follower.
    The Hive
