Snowmen at Night

I keep seeing Pinterest activities that go with the book 'Snowmen at Night' and I keep thinking what is this book I need to see what it is all about!  I google it and what do you know...I HAVE this book already.  Ok, you are probably thinking, "Huh? How does that work?"  Well, a year after I graduated college one of our family friends was retiring from teaching and was selling all of her stuff!  My family went to her house and bought like ALL of it, so I am still going through these supplies a year later!  Today we had an early release day so I planned on making it 'Snowmen at Night' themed day!  Before we found out what the snowmen do at night we guessed what they might do and made a chart.  After the book, we wrote down what they really did.  The kiddos LOVED this book!  Seriously, if you haven't read it yet you need to! :)  Once we discussed the book we wrote about what our snowman would do at night and drew a picture!

Before we left for the day we started our snowman paintings but you will have to wait to see these cute pieces of work until tomorrow! :)

Here is a picture of the stuff I got from that retired teacher!  A teacher's dream?!


  1. WOW! I think you hit the jackpot on the teaching materials. Looks like a ton of nice stuff!

    1. I think I did! There was so much stuff! I still find new things I looked over a year ago!

  2. Oh my word, look at all the stuff! You really lucked out! :)
    Granny Goes to School

    1. I totally did! I'm so thankful for that teacher called my parents asking if I would like some of her stuff!

  3. What a great teacher stash! I got the same thing my first year or 2 teaching (she slowly passed stuff on to me as she was clearing out her room). Loved it! I just picked up that book too! My kids are a little gingerbread book crazy this week, so the snowmen may have to wait until next week. I like your prediction activity idea.

    The Lower Elementary Cottage

    1. It is so nice to find a retiring teacher because they have so much stuff from all their years teaching! I think we will be doing gingerbread coming up! I will definitely be looking at your ideas! :) My kinders predictions were so cute and creative! I will try to post a picture of that- the one I had was hard to see!
