Thanksgiving Spirit

Yesterday I must of been in the Thanksgiving mood because my kinders did a ton of fun Thanksgiving related activities!  They were ALL from my Give Thanks: Thanksgiving Mini Pack and every activity was engaging and FUN!  Isn't that the combo we strive for!?  Check out some of things we did!
Next week we start our graphing unit, so I introduced it by creating a big class graph using Thanksgiving cards found in the Give Thanks: Thanksgiving Mini Pack!  I handed one out to each person and they colored it!

 Then I called up each card and we taped it to the board to create a giant class graph!

 We also did a simple labeling sheet.  We labeled three things and each word had a different beginning letter so my kiddos had an easier time figuring out which word said what!

Last but not least a Thanksgiving Pattern worksheet!  Students cut out the Thanksgiving objects and glue to the correct pattern!  When they finish I have them color it but using a pattern.

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