Five for Friday

Our first week back to school after spring break felt a little longer than usual, but that will happen!  I am linking up with Kacey, from Doodle Bugs for her Five for Friday linky!

1.  We planted flowers this week!  We did the bean thing and it was not going anywhere real fast.  I used the wrong beans, I'll admit it!  So over spring break I got supplies to grow some marigolds!  I picked marigolds because they grow a little bit faster than other flowers.  Now all we need is a little sunshine!

2. My kiddos are still getting confused with the b and the d's!  I created a fun b and d activity that has your kiddos fill in the missing letter.  We did it as a whole group and each kiddo got a turn to do the letter match.  I put it in one of our Daily 5 centers after we did it as a full group.

Click on the picture to grab it for FREE!
3.  We are working on our money unit right now!  Each day this week we learned a new coin and wrote what we knew about the coin.  Every day I had someone say " you can't eat it"..ha!  We used coin activities from my Money Mania pack!

4. To go along with our b and d sort we played a fun game!  I call it the Flyswatter Game, but someone else could have a better name for it.  I wrote only b and d's on the board.  I would either make the letter sound or I would say a word that started with one of those letters.  My kiddos would "swat" the correct letter.  If you won, you got to stay up until you didn't get it right! 

5.  My fabulous sister, who I actually convinced to start blogging about all her fabulous creations, had a ton of these canvas bags that she made for something, but ended up never using them.  She said I could take them, so I used some old fabric to cut out numbers and put a number on each bag!  I haven't decided how I am going to use them, but I was thinking about using them for math, to hold supplies, or just give each kiddo a bag with a number and use them for show and tell.  The possibilities are endless!   
Go show her some LOVE (I'm her only follower)!  Her blog is hilarious!  I mean it is called Sassy Creations!  How could it not be hilarious and sassy!  It is all about cooking and crafting!  She has some great ideas and some could be used in the classroom!

Now it is your turn to go link up! :)


  1. We do a fly swatter game like that as well. The kiddos love it. I'll definitely check our your sister's blog because I love all things crafty! LOL


    1. Such a great way to review things! Aw thanks! I told her my bloggy friends would totally check it out!:-)

  2. I love the idea for the fly swatter game! We will have to give that a try. Heading to check out your sister's blog now. . . . Love the bags :)


  3. So ironic...I was just talking to Sarah about how I have a couple of students that are doing b/d reversals; so this is great!
    First Grade Buddies

  4. Love the fly swatters - great idea ! You can do so much with it!! Thanks so much for stopping by & so glad you like AL. It has a bad rep, but it's such a great place. My brother & his family live in WI, and were in MN for a while. Small world, huh?! :) Happy Weekend!

    First Grade Fairytales

  5. OMG! I had no idea that your sister had a blog. You need to tell me this stuff, ha! I was just scrolling through and totally pinned her St. Patty's treat- yum! So cute!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

    1. Haha I know! She wanted a few posts before I could say anything ;)! Aww yes! I'll tell her you pinned it! :)

  6. Awesome activity for the b & d! Crazy how confusing that can be! Have a fabulous weekend!

    Lucky to Be in First

  7. Love the fly swatter game. I am going to check out your sisters blog. :)

    I love your math unit!!!

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

    1. Thanks! I told her I had some fabulous bloggy friends who would check it out!

  8. I went to your sister's blog- saw the word "applique" and was sold..I'm a follower! I want to applique too! I love her blog title! And I love your b d sort... love it!

    Crayons and Whimsy

    1. YAY! I am so excited she is getting some more followers! Thanks! :)

  9. That fly swatter game sounds like a fun way to review!! Thanks for the freebie, I know of some of my kinders that could use extra practice with b and d as well!

    Headed to check out your sister's blog now! :)

    Kinder Krazy

    1. Thanks! They love it! We play it with numbers and other letters too!


  10. Great ideas for the kids who are still confusing the b and d! We all have those students! Thanks for sharing your freebie!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. I agree! We always have a couple that still confuse those two letters!
