Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!  We just came off of a 3 day weekend due to a snow day on Friday and you would of thought it was the first day of kindergarten today!  Whoa!  On top of everything the snow is COMING down...again...where is spring!?
Today we did a fun Earth Day project!  I did it last year after I found a pin from it, but when I went back to Pinterest to find it and when I searched it a TON of the same project came up, so sorry I don't have the original pin for you!
We started by writing what our Earth Day promise would be.  We first brainstormed ideas and then went and wrote what we wanted ours to be.
We did our second part in the afternoon!  We got a surprise visit from our Education Instructual Coach...aka he comes in and does our "formal observations" and guess when he popped in to do an informal observation...in the middle of this crazy, kind of messy project!  My kids love him so he chatted with them while I was busy painting hands and making sure we didn't get too crazy:)
There they are again...TRACERS!  My kiddos will be in first grade in less than two months, I can't possibly be cutting their stuff for them!  :)

I helped them paint their hands and copied them onto their "Earth's"! 

The finished product!  I plan on hanging them up for the week then sending them home! :)

We also did this fun worksheet from Time 4 Kindergarten!

After the SECOND snow storm in less than a week, in APRIL, I would so need a "SURVIVAL KIT"!  How about you!?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Those handprints are too cute! I love your tracers...I have such a hard time striking a balance between building independence and using time efficiently in the crazy-rush of a 1/2 day kindergarten!!

    Happy Teacher Heaven

  2. Your Earth Day project turned out really cute! I always fear that will happen to be too...have an informal observation in the middle of a messy project or during a United Streaming video that is related to what we are teaching.
    First Grade Funtastic
