Monday Math Centers

Well, the first day back after spring break is over and we all survived!  My kiddos were LOVING our math centers today!  I was trying to save the planet and laminated all the recording sheets!  Which means everyone got to use dry erase markers!  YAY!  Most of these centers are from a pack I am currently working on and trying to finish up to share with all of you!  So enjoy this sneak peek! :)

Number order- each student would pick a number and write two numbers that came after it.  I had another recording sheet that had my kiddos write the number and then write the numbers that came before and after it.

Subtracting Daisies-  We used the white boards to write the problem!  We LOVE whiteboards!

Skip Counting Ladybugs!  Skip counting 10's is a freebie which you can find here!  

Skip counting by 5's is in the pack that is still under construction at the moment!  I see we need to practice writing our teen numbers! :)

This is actually from a mailbox pack that I got from a fellow teacher!  My kiddos really enjoyed this one!

Double sided adding sheet!  This can be found in my Buggy for Addition!\


  1. Lots of fun math activities! Don't they just love using dry erase markers any chance they get? :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. Loving these stations/centers! I am also trying to cut back on my paper use. My kiddos are loving all the marker action in the classroom. Did you see that Scentos makes dry erase markers? Take about a day to remember in kinder!?!

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

  3. I need to do this with my centers. I feel like I am constantly making copies for centers. Have you tried the dry erase crayons? I plan on getting some this weekend. I heard they are awesome. Maybe I will laminate my centers for next week and use the dry erase crayons with them. :)

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

  4. Love your blog! Can't wait to explore some more!

    A Day in the Life of a Kindergartner

  5. Cute centers! My kiddos loooove dry erase markers and any thing that has to do with them :) Hope you had a great break!!

    The Cozy Classroom
