
I can't believe it!  Say it isn't so!  September is here!?  Where did August go?  I am linking up with Farely for her Currenly linky!  Don't forget to scroll to the bottom for a chance to win a Precious Pink Sharpener!

Loving-  If you have followed along you know the drama of July/August was getting placed in my district!  Well, 2 weeks ago I accepted a position as a 1st/2nd grade split teacher!  I am not with my co workers from last year :( but I am loving my  new school and class!  It is way different than kindergarten in some sense, but totally the same in another :)

Thinking- I'm sad to see this long weekend go!  If you forgot, I had a 5 day weekend because last week Thursday and Friday school was cancelled because of the heat and my school is old and doesn't have a/c!

Wanting- I am in a shopping mood and EVERYTHING is on sale everywhere!  I went to Target on Friday and ALL their summer stuff is on clearance!  This should be a separate blog post I got so many good deals! :)  I also want to get a new phone because my phone currently only works on speakerphone!  Embarrassing!
Needing-  I didn't make a ton of labels for the first week because students don't show up and or get added.  I am glad I haven't yet because 7 on my list haven't showed up, but now I need to get them done!  The post-its on our lockers are falling off!

<3- I have been slacking on working out!  Like I only go once a week and I need to get it back to 3 or 4!
I read so much in the summer that I want to take time to read during the school year!
Technology break is a new one!  I spend too much time on my phone or computer and need to give it a little break once and awhile! :)

Before you leave would you like a chance to win a Precious Pink Sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies!?
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have been wanting to do a little shopping too and still have lots of labeling to do as our list is still changing. I agree that I need to give technology a break too and get back into my workout routine. I am happy to hear that you are enjoying your new school and class!
    Fun in ECSE

  2. Your currently could be my currently! I almost put the same three things for my goals! And I'm totally jealous that you got school cancelled due to the heat. We don't have A/C either and we melted last week. It's so hard to keep the kinder kiddos focused when they are SO hot!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

  3. Love the idea of taking technology breaks sometimes. Glad that you are loving your new school and class. I am sure it was stressful figuring out where you would be, but it sounds like you are in a good place now.

    Have a great Labor Day!

    Compassionate Teacher

    1. I am still working on this technology break thing haha! I am happy!

  4. How sad that your phone only works on speaker phone! Only in Minnesota would we cancel school for being too cold AND too hot :) I'm glad that you are loving your new school and grade level.
    Polka Dot Kinders

  5. Shopping sounds like a lot of fun! I'm trying to stay away though. It's super hard!!! I'm so glad you are enjoying your new school and class. I hope you continue to enjoy everything about it! I can't believe your school doesn't have AC. I couldn't imagine what we would do down here in the South without it! Enjoy your day off!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  6. I can't believe that 7 of your kids haven't shown up! Is that normal??

    1. I know it is crazy! Lot of kids move around throughout the year

  7. I love that pink sharpener!! I have the green one and love it...but... I'm thinking that pink one would be better:)

    ”Dots” of Fun!
    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  8. I really want to win this sharpener. ha! For real! xoxo Welcome back to reality. :)


    1. Good luck!! :) Long weekends are so nice...can we have more of them!?

  9. I would really love the pink sharpener. My electric one just died! I could use a new one! Thanks
