Monday Made It!

I know it is a little early, but I have promised this blog post for awhile!
I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It linky!
Remember seeing these hanging in my classroom?!  I am going to show you how to make these tissue paper flowers!

You will need 10-12 sheets of tissue paper.  I only had 5 big sheets so I cut them in half and made a pile of 10 sheets.
Accordion fold the tissue paper
Fold the paper in half.
Tie string in the middle of the paper.  I used fishing line to tie mine.  Make sure it is long enough to hang!  Note to self- don't wear a shirt the same color as the tissue paper! Ha!
Cut the ends round.
Pull each piece of paper to the middle one at a time and adjust to make it more like a ball.
The finished product!  Some of them were a little uneven, but you are able to form them and adjust them to make them a ball.
Pretty easy right!?  They look adorable and I have gotten so many compliments about them too!