Five for Friday!

1.  Last day of my Precious Pink Pencil Sharpener giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
2.  Wednesday a teacher came in right as my math lessons were ending about 20 minutes EARLY!  Ah PANIC!  I don't know why she was there, but she had a notebook to take notes!  So, this happened...
I had some labels that I didn't hang up, so after we labeled this little one we labeled things in our room.  3.  We wrote our goals for the year on stars and hung them up in our classroom to remind us all year of them!

4.  The hubby has been hunting in CO for over a week and he is finally home!!!  There wasn't any cell phone reception where he was so it was a long week of not talking to him!  So glad he is home safe!
5.  I almost forgot!  Another giveaway!  Irene hit 800 followers!  Check out her AWESOME giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love the labeling activity!
    Tamra and Sarah

  2. I keep seeing that labeling activity....I totally need to do that!

  3. I love the labeling activity! Way to go on thinking on your feet! :)

  4. :) hope to win the pencil sharpener! It is my bday on Tuesday ;)

  5. Very nice giveaway!!!!

  6. This would make an awesome birthday gift - to me!! ;) My birthday is tomorrow! Have entered a zillion giveaways for these sharpeners, but I've never won! Crossing my fingers on this one! Thank you for the opportunity!

  7. I love your blog! This is my first year teaching Kindergarten, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in your classroom!

  8. Great idea on labeling the teacher. Lucy Calkins is great. A master at her craft! Hope to win but in reading others' comments, I would be happy if any one of us won. Good luck to all!

  9. Boo boo! I love that activity that you pulled together! So stinkin' cute! Also, why didn't we go grab a beer while he was gone?! You need to call me when that happens! xoxoxo
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  10. Found your post on Five for Friday. Following! Smiles, Jayne
    Smart Kids
    ABCs of Reading
